I spend my days writing apocalyptic and dystopian fiction novels. Because what's more fun than imagining the end of the world from the comfort of your couch?
I love writing stories exploring how ordinary people cope with extraordinary circumstances, especially situations where the normal comforts, conveniences, and rules are stripped away.
My favorite stories to read and write deal with characters struggling with inner demons who learn to face and overcome their fears, launching their transformation into the strong, brave warrior they were meant to become.
Some of my favorite books include The Road, The Passage, Hunger Games, and Ready Player One. My favorite movies are The Lord of the Rings and Gladiator. Give me a good story in any form, and I'm happy.
Oh, and add in a cool fall evening in front of a crackling fire, a book in one hand and a hot mocha latte in the other (or dark chocolate!): that's my heaven.
When I'm not writing, you can find me practicing at the range with my Springfield XDS or shopping for cool new gear for my bugout bag. You may find me hiking to a waterfall in the Smokies, traveling to far-flung locations, or jumping out of a plane (parachute included).